Сил и Хайди Клум сводили детей на футбол


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Heidi Klum and ex-husband Seal watch their children play in a soccer game in Brentwood, Los Angeles Featuring: Heidi Klum,Seal,Johan Samuel,Henry Samuel Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Oct 2014 Credit: WENN.com

4 октября, Хайди Клум и Сил отвели своих детей на футбол. Хотя они и в разводе, но продолжают уделять детям время вместе. Они наблюдали, как играет 7-летний Йохан, 8-летний Генри, 10-летний Лени и 4-летней Лу. Говорят, пара несколько раз поцеловалась, это был дружеский поцелуй.

41-летняя знаменитость была одета в черную майку, шлепанцы с заклепками и голубые шорты. Образ дополнила длинной цепочкой с кулоном и очки-авиаторы.

Напомним, в 2012 года пара рассталась, они были 7 лет вместе. Последние семь месяцев, Клум встречается с Вито Шнобелем.

Heidi Klum and ex-husband Seal watch their children play in a soccer game in Brentwood, Los Angeles Featuring: Heidi Klum,Seal,Lou Samuel Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Oct 2014 Credit: WENN.com Heidi Klum and ex-husband Seal watch their children play in a soccer game in Brentwood, Los Angeles Featuring: Heidi Klum,Seal,Helene Samuel,Leni Samuel Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Oct 2014 Credit: WENN.com Heidi Klum and ex-husband Seal watch their children play in a soccer game in Brentwood, Los Angeles Featuring: Heidi Klum Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Oct 2014 Credit: WENN.com Heidi Klum and ex-husband Seal watch their children play in a soccer game in Brentwood, Los Angeles Featuring: Heidi Klum,Leni Samuel,Helene Samuel Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Oct 2014 Credit: WENN.com Heidi Klum and ex-husband Seal watch their children play in a soccer game in Brentwood, Los Angeles Featuring: Heidi Klum Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Oct 2014 Credit: WENN.com Heidi Klum and ex-husband Seal watch their children play in a soccer game in Brentwood, Los Angeles Featuring: Heidi Klum Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Oct 2014 Credit: WENN.com Heidi Klum and ex-husband Seal watch their children play in a soccer game in Brentwood, Los Angeles Featuring: Seal,Johan Samuel Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Oct 2014 Credit: WENN.com Heidi Klum adjusts her top in Brentwood, Los Angeles Heidi Klum and ex-husband Seal watch their children play in a soccer game in Brentwood, Los Angeles Featuring: Heidi Klum,Seal,Lou Samuel Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Oct 2014 Credit: Michael Wright/WENN.com Heidi Klum kisses Seal as they are reunited spending a family day out in Brentwood, Los Angeles (BLURRED)