День независимости США: Гвен Стефани с семьей


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Gwen Stefani and her family head to her dad's house in Los Angeles, CA

4 июля, в США День независимости, в этот же день, день рождения у отца Гвен Стефани Денниса. Именно поэтому, звезда отправилась  к нему в Лос-Анджелес.

Конечно же, певица была не одна, а с супругом Гэвином Россдейлом, 8-летним сыном Кингстоном, 4-месячным Апполо и карликовым шпицом. Звезда была одета в комбинезон в мелкую полоску и красный топ с синей каймой. Что касается обуви, то Гвен выбрала красно-белые ботильоны со шнурками и открытым мисом от  Adidas.

Что касается макияжа и прически, то она выбрала красную помаду, а волосы завязала в небрежный пучок.

Gwen Stefani celebrates both the 4th of July and her father's birthday with her family. Stefani's father was given a collage featuring his grandchildren. Featuring: Gwen Stefani,Apollo Rossdale Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Jul 2 Gwen Stefani celebrates both the 4th of July and her father's birthday with her family. Stefani's father was given a collage featuring his grandchildren. Featuring: Gwen Stefani,Apollo Rossdale,Dennis Stefani Where: Los Angeles, California, United States Gwen Stefani celebrates both the 4th of July and her father's birthday with her family. Stefani's father was given a collage featuring his grandchildren. Featuring: Gavin Rossdale,Kingston Rossdale Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 J Gwen Stefani celebrates both the 4th of July and her father's birthday with her family. Stefani's father was given a collage featuring his grandchildren. Featuring: Gavin Rossdale Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 04 Jul 2014 Credit: Co Gwen Stefani and her family head to her dad's house in Los Angeles, CA Gwen Stefani celebrates both the 4th of July and her father's birthday with her family. Stefani's father was given a collage featuring his grandchildren. Featuring: Gwen Stefani,Apollo Rossdale,Dennis Stefani Where: Los Angeles, California, United States Gwen Stefani and her family head to her dad's house in Los Angeles, CA