Новорожденная дочь принца Феликса и принцессы Клэр


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Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa

Несколько дней назад, принцесса Клэр родила принцу Феликсу дочь, это первый ребенок пары. Малышку назвали Амалия Габриэлла Мария-Тереза.

Дорец опубликовал фотографии малышки на следующий день после ее рождения. Сейчас, у нас появилась возможность увидеть семью, которая покидает больницу Великой герцогини Шарлотты.

Конечно же, здесь собрались папарацци, а 29-летняя принцесса с 30-летним принцем и малышкой им позировали.

Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa Prince Felix Of Luxembourg And Princess Claire of Luxembourg Present Their Daughter Princess Amalia, Gabriela, Maria Teresa