Дэвид и Виктория Бекхэм в аэропорту Лос-Анджелеса


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David and Victoria Beckham were seen leaving LA with the family

31 мая, Виктория Бекхэм и ее супруг Дэвид были замечены в одном из аэропортов Лос-Анджелеса. Они были с детьми Крузом, Бруклином, Ромео и дочерью Харпер.

Виктория была в короткую темно-серую юбку с молнией сзади, черный джемпер, черные ботильоны на высоком каблуке и темные очки. Дэвид был в черных джинсах и футболке, очках, кедах и кепке.

David and Victoria Beckham were seen leaving LA with the family David and Victoria Beckham were seen leaving LA with the family David and Victoria Beckham were seen leaving LA with the family David and Victoria Beckham leave Los Angeles International (LAX) airport with their children Featuring: Harper Beckham,David Beckham,Victoria Beckham,Romeo Beckham Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 31 May 2014 Credit: WENN.com David and Victoria Beckham were seen leaving LA with the family David and Victoria Beckham were seen leaving LA with the family David and Victoria Beckham were seen leaving LA with the family Victoria Beckham David and Victoria Beckham leave Los Angeles International (LAX) airport with their children Featuring: Harper Beckham,David Beckham,Victoria Beckham Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 31 May 2014 Credit: WENN.com